Projects by SCQ

Ceilings under houses made easy

Need to tidy up the ceiling under your house?

Putting a ceiling in a house isn’t a new concept, however acoustic tile ceilings under houses are a relatively new concept.  Many two-story houses that have used space underneath them suffer from poor acoustics between floors. I personally grew up in a two-story house and can attest to being able to hear unwanted noise between floors.

Ceilings under houses
Example of a suspended exposed grid ceiling under a house

The problems of putting suspended ceilings under houses

Firstly, in many SE QLD homes built around the 80’s era, under the house isn’t lined, leaving the floor boards exposed. Secondly, height is nearly always an issue apart from some homes that have been lifted.  This, in turn, means that whatever solution used needs to be installed with minimal clearance under the floor.  Furthermore, if you install a flush set ceiling underneath you can suffer from access issues for services at a later date.

The Solution?

You can install a suspended ceiling in a space with minimal clearance and fit it with a variety of tiles. In this particular job, a USG Donn grid was used and paired with a 19mm Radar high CAC tile. Long leg perimeter trims were also installed to allow for movement, and an approved suspension hanger was redundantly fixed in place.

The benefits of suspended ceilings under houses!

Acoustic tiles are designed to perform exactly as their name suggests. The ceiling pictured reduced clear conversation between floors down to a muffle. Want more absorption? No problem. Change to a higher grade tile, either at the time of install or later down the track. Furthermore, grid ceilings are a finished product with no need for painting. This means that when we finish, your ceiling is complete. Additionally, you can add extra sound-absorbing insulation over the top of your new ceiling. If you need to change your plumbing upstairs, it’s no problem. Simply remove a few tiles, do your plumbing, and then put the tiles back in place. It’s a simple and flexible solution.

Grid system review used in the featured picture USG Suspended Ceiling Grid

Manufacturers Website USG

Want to know more about putting suspended ceilings under houses? Give us a call and see how we can help you.

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