Product Reviews

Wood Panel by AMF Hera Review

AMF Hera Design a closer look

Wood panels are a dime a dozen these days, which means plenty of consumer choice. This is a good thing! Today I will be taking a closer looks at timber wall and ceiling products by AMF Hera Design.

Being sustainable and looking good, wood has always been a popular product. Hera consists of mainly wood, water and magnesite. Meaning it has a neutral biological footprint.

Wide variety of install options

AMF Hera wood panels have a wide variety of install options. Firstly, a ceiling baffle system is available. AMF sell several suspension types that are approved for use. This, in turn, leaves the existing ceiling visible, whilst at the same time adding improved acoustics.

Thirdly, a wall system is available. This means you can improve wall acoustics and have it look awesome at the same time. Furthermore, you have flexibility over the panel layout, which in turn gives you control over the final look.

Finally, Hera’s wood panels are available as a suspended ceiling. It comes in both exposed and concealed suspended ceiling systems. So take your pick whether you want to see the grid or not. Exposed grid panels are great because it leaves the option to install the Hera Design wood panels in an existing ceiling grid.

Options, options, options

Heradesign’s wood panels have multiple edge profiles available to create different looks and control the effect of edge joins. Sometimes you might want the edges to stand out, others you may want a more flow-on effect. Different textures are available, with a solid colour selection on hand as well. Acoustics are excellent and with so many options it’s worth considering for any space your looking to improve acoustics.

wood panel
AMF Hera design wood panels lineup

AMF hera website

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